January 27, 2021
Contracts Awarded by Shopping
Project Name: Second National Hydromet Modernization Project
Country: Russian Federation
Project Number: 8291-RU
Bid/Contract Reference No: NHMP2/1/A.2.c “Development of information processing, storage and archiving centers at regional and territorial levels of Roshydromet”
Scope of Contract: 7 654 800,00 RUR
Contract Signature Date: at the signing stage
Evaluation Currency: Russian Rubles (RUR)
Awarded Bidder
Name of awarded bidder
Bid price at bid opening
Evaluated Bid Price
Contract Price
ZAO “CROC Incorporated (Russia)
7 654 800,00 RUR
7 654 800,00 RUR
7 654 800,00 RUR
Evaluated Bidder(s)
Name of evaluated bidder(s)
Bid price at bid opening
Bid price of evaluated bid
ZAO “CROC Incorporated (Russia)
7 654 800,00 RUR
7 654 800,00 RUR
АО “SoftLineTrade” (Russia)
7 783 300,00 RUR
7 783 300,00 RUR
АО “LANIT” (Russia)
8 032 800,00 RUR
8 032 800,00 RUR
4 320 000,00 RUR
4 320 000,00 RUR
Rejected Bidder(s)
Name of rejected bidder(s)
Bid price at bid opening
Reason(s) for rejection
4 320 000,00 RUR
Non responsiveness of the bid to technical requirements