Template for Contracts Awarded by ICB
Project Name: Second State Statistical System Development Project
Country: Russian Federation
Project Number: 4867-RU
Bid/Contract Reference No: ST2/1/B.7.11 “Modernization of Unified System for Records Collection (USRC) aimed at centralization of primary statistical data treatment”
Scope of Contract: RUR 233.700.000,76
Duration: 10,5 months
Contract Signature Date: December 25, 2014
Evaluation Currency: RUR
Awarded Bidder
Name & address of awarded bidder
Bid price at bid opening
Evaluated Bid Price
Contract Price
ZAO “CROC incorporated” (Russia)
RUR 198.251.776,00
RUR 198.251.776,00
RUR 233.700.000,76
Evaluated Bidder(s)
Name of evaluated bidder(s)
Bid price at bid opening
Bid price of evaluated bid
JV: ZAO “Lanit”, ZAO “Prognoz”, ZAO “Firm “IT. Information Technologies.” (Russia)
RUR 208.420.614,00
RUR 208.420.614,00
Rejected Bidder(s)
Name of rejected bidder(s)
Bid price at bid opening
Reason(s) for rejection